November 28, 2011

Race Is the Bludgeon of Leftist Progressives (Communists)

[From article]
"According to the Italian communist [Antonio Gramsci], cultural hegemony was the only necessary and sufficient prerequisite of drastic social transformations. It followed that the intelligentsia, the sole truly revolutionary class, had to seize control of the leading cultural institutions -- above all schools, academia, and the media. If the left succeeded in indoctrinating the populace and bending it to its will -- if it subverted society from within until it rotted to the core and dropped in their lap like an overripe fruit, the revolutionaries would achieve their goal and seize power without firing a shot. And so the American left embarked upon what it called a Long March through the Institutions.
[. . .]
Racism was proclaimed to be the ultimate of vices and the greatest imaginable crime against humanity, expiation of the sin of racial inequality the only worthy goal of any conscientious human being. All social and economic issues were to be viewed through the racial prism; all societal ills were to be boiled down to the racial ingredient. Black nationalists were recruited as the left's natural allies to keep the racial pot boiling and the racial wounds raw and suppurating.
[. . .]
Would black politicians who have made a career out of racial grievances suddenly acknowledge that America has achieved spectacular progress in the area of race relations? Would they get down off their high horse to face the wrath of their constituents trained to blame all their misfortunes on racial discrimination and castigate guilt-ridden Whitey? Would race-hustlers like Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharpton, whose livelihoods depend on constantly stirring the racial pot, voluntarily step down from their soapbox and go looking for a more honest way of making a living? Would the race pimps, and above all the vast affirmative action bureaucracy, close shop and go off into the sunset? Yeah, right -- when hell freezes over! They will fight tooth and nail to defend their turf and stop at nothing to preserve the richly rewarding status quo.
[. . .]
Like its feminist, green, and gay-rights counterparts, today's civil rights movement is basically a willing tool of the far left. Once a genuine popular movement pursuing the honorable goal of equality, it has degenerated into an ideological/commercial enterprise designed to keep society in a state of perpetual penitence while paying lip-service to the plight of the black needy as a way of advancing the radical cause and securing enough handouts for the self-anointed "civil rights leaders" to support their opulent lifestyles."

November 28, 2011
Race: The Ultimate Weapon of the Left
By Victor Volsky
American Thinker

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