November 13, 2011

How Judges Avoid Accountability

The aunt of the suspect knew--knew--he was going to kill. Why did she allow him near anyone? Saying "the courts kept letting him go,” indicates that the courts are not able to distinguish between dangerous persons and ordinary eccentrics. Courts pay psychiatrists or psychologists, who claim to be able to predict the future, to make the decisions. See how accurately their prognostications are. The trier of fact is charged with making such decisions. But judges avoid accountability by deferring to the professional predictors. This is not only a waste of taxpayer funds, but judges do not do their jobs and get paid anyway. Like their legislative colleagues judges need to man up, do their job, and be held accountable for their errors. Why are they judges if they cannot distinguish between criminals and ordinary citizens?

[From article]
“We knew this was coming. He was a very angry kid. And the courts kept letting him go,” said a woman

Slay suspect’s kin: We knew this was coming
By Marie Szaniszlo and John Zaremba
Boston Herald
Saturday, November 12, 2011

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