November 30, 2015

White House Immigration Policies Harmful to United States

[From article]
The rise of Donald Trump reminds us of the popularity of another, long-forgotten American value: protecting Americans.
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Contrary to Obama’s laughable reference to “the universal values” that “all of humanity” share, most of the world does not share our values, at all. They barely seem to share our DNA. As indignantly explained by the lawyer representing two Iraqis accused of child rape in Nebraska, America’s views about women and children “put us in the minority position in the world.”
Pederasty, child brides, honor killings, clitorectomies, stonings, wife beatings — when will America grow up and join the 21st century?
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There’s no Syrian FBI running the National Crime Information Center. Syria barely has a phonebook.
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America’s generous humanitarian policies — humanitarian toward foreign criminals and terrorists, monstrous toward Americans.
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American officials were also warned about the blind sheik, Omar Abdel-Rahman, not only by U.S. consular officials in Egypt — but by Hosni Mubarak, the president of Egypt himself.
But the Blind Sheik was allowed to go about his business in America, plotting terrorist attacks with other widows and orphans, such as Ramzi Yousef, mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing
[. . .]
Fazliddin Kurbanov was admitted as a Christian refugee in 2009 from the booming world power of Uzbekistan. He claimed that he and his family were being persecuted in the majority Muslim country.
Soon after arriving, Kurbanov realized: He was a Muslim, after all!

Importing Terrorism and Other American Values

Wednesday Nov 25, 2015 3:34 PM

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