November 13, 2015

Study Needed When Nations Commit Suicide

[From article]

When in the course of human events, a great civilization commits suicide, a decent respect to the welfare of ourselves and our posterity requires that we should investigate its causes. And there indeed significant differences among cultures, and what the results may imply for immigration policy?
First, a word about the modern cult of multiculturalism, one of numerous manifestations of leftism. Multiculturalism may be defined as the following set of beliefs: 1) cultures differ from one another, but not in any meaningful way; 2) all cultures are worthy of respect and preservation, except for Western civilization, by far the worst. The contradiction of these two beliefs is no greater than their internal self-contradiction.

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Both in America or in Europe, immigration policy is central in current political discussions. Outside of Western civilization, it is universally acknowledged that every society has the right to perpetuate itself. Only within Western civilization is it argued that the society must destroy itself in order to accommodate hostile invaders.
Immigration policy should not be determined by the country of an immigrant’s current residence. However, it should be determined by the culture with which that immigrant affiliates. Islam correlates strongly negatively with values cherished within Western civilization
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Islam is very strongly associated with a drastic decline in freedom, and a drastic increase in terrorism and female genital mutilation.
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Cultures, even religions, evolve over time. In the wake of World War II, Shintoism was forcibly reformed by the conquerors to remove the Japanese emperor as a deity. It may be that the jihad imperative embedded into Islam will finally force the world into a war against militant Islam. The Islam that survives such a war must condemn and renounce the Medinan suras, the Sunna, jihad, female genital mutilation, and rape, relying only on the Meccan suras.

November 6, 2015
Culture Matters
By Surak

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