November 11, 2015

Middle East and African Immigration Without Assimilation To Europe Will Eliminate European Cultures

[From article]
“A modern day mass migration is taking place … that could change the face of Europe’s civilization,” warned Hungarian President Viktor Orban.
“If that happens, that is irreversible. … There is no way back from a multicultural Europe,” said Orban. “If we make a mistake now, it will be forever.”
Orban acted on his beliefs. He erected a 110-mile fence on the Serb border, redirecting hundreds of thousands of migrants away from Hungary to Croatia, thence to Austria and Germany.
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Europe is undergoing the greatest mass migration since World War II, when 14 million Germans were driven out of Prussia and eastern Germany and Central and Eastern Europe.
That mass migration halted after two years. But no end is in sight to the migrations from Africa and the Middle East.
As long as Europe’s borders remain open, they will come. And the people who wish to come number not just in the millions but the tens and scores of millions. And they know how to get there.
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Why should Arabs and Africans not flee the tyranny, terror, poverty and war that are their lot to come to Europe, live the good life, and have life’s necessities provided for their families by the munificent welfare states of northern Europe? And what is to stop them?
Jean Revel’s “The Camp of the Saints” is proving more prophetic than Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” or Orwell’s “1984.”
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If the mass migrations are not halted, the rise of nationalist regimes at the expense of Europe’s liberals and leftists is inevitable.
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Optimists point to how America absorbed the 15 million that arrived in the Great Wave of immigration from 1890 to 1920.
But they ignore the differences. America’s immigrants were Europeans from Christian nations coming to a country with a history of assimilation.
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Unlike America, Europe has never known mass immigration. And those pouring into Europe are Arab, African and Muslim, not European Christians or Jews. They come from other civilizations and cultures. And they are not all assimilating but rather creating enclaves in Europe that replicate the lands whence they came.
[. . .]
Can a civilization survive the replacement of the people who created it by people of other races, religions, and civilizations?
Ask the Native Americans. Will Europe remain Europe if she is repopulated by Arabs, Muslims, Asians and Africans?

Can Europe Survive This Invasion?
Monday - November 9, 2015 at 10:24 pm
By Patrick J. Buchanan

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