November 19, 2015

Privileged Students Fight Their Oppression

"rally in support of black student activists on other college campuses, where mass protests against racism have erupted in recent weeks." The "racism" at University of Missouri was expression by an unknown person of an epithet toward a black person or persons. Use of human waste to draw a swastika in a bathroom. At Yale it was more hurt feelings. If there were illegal acts prosecute. Protesters are beneficiaries of the greatest gift a nation can give to young people, an education. How many suffering students at Harvard, Yale and Columbia University are children of wealthy and powerful parents? Black students enjoy special privileges in this country for which others would be grateful. University administrators allow students to remain clueless about the exceptional corridors they walk. Privileged Harvard students fighting imaginary racism and oppression make them appear silly and petulant. Outrageous reactions to minor offenses increase animosity toward the historically privileged Harvard students. Share the wealth with some under privileged young people. All white people are not wealthy and powerful. Face reality.

Students Rally in Support of Black Activists at Peer Schools
Protesters start at Science Center and plan to march to Porter Square
November 19, 2015

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