April 1, 2015

NH Politicians Lament Parental Oppositon To Common Core

[From article]
This video is going viral and it SHOULD. It’s bad enough that parents are frustrated by the Common Core aligned curriculum that is destroying any chance at their child’s future in a math field. But now we have a New Hampshire State Representative bothered by parents who contact him and exercise their voice in this democratic process.
[. . .]
There was overwhelming support by parents in favor of SB101 which would prohibit the state from requiring implementation of common core standards. Why? Because parents are fed up with these new academic standards in math and English.
This petition already has almost 1500 signatures calling for the end to Common Core in NH.
Where are all of those parents who want Common Core? No where to be found.
[. . .]
We can also look at past comments from the U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan who also patronized moms who opposed Common Core as, “….white suburban moms who — all of a sudden — their child isn’t as brilliant as they thought they were and their school isn’t quite as good as they thought they were…”
We’ve got news for the elitists who think they know better than parents, we do know what we are talking about and we still don’t like Common Core.


NH Democrat Representative Disparages Parents Who Contacted Him With Their Opinions On Common Core

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