April 5, 2015

Lawyer Makes Distinction Between Homosexual Pizza Bias Cases, Some Discrimination Is Legal

Jordan Lorence argues a case before the Minnesota Supreme Court in 2012. 
Photo: (Associated Press)

This matter became a national media issue because of one journalist who asked a young woman who worked in a small pizza shop in a small town in Indiana if her store would cater a same sex wedding. Never heard of any wedding being catered with pizza, but that is besides the point. It was a question, which the young woman answered honestly. It was not a denial of service due to homosexual preferences. But the question became a national issue with spineless politicians in Arkansas and Indiana and their legislatures hurrying to repeal or to pass laws that would not anger the homosexual lobbyists.

This while the nation is under attack by Muslim terrorists, as their apologists in local, state and national government run interference for them. While Communists conduct a relentless propaganda campaign to undermine the nation. Nine days after I revealed on this blog 


that the FBI, (currently the Genovese crime family associates in the FBI), local police, Harvard University campus police, building superintendents, contractors, graduate students in psychology at Harvard University Medical School relentlessly told everyone I know, knew and met, "He's a homosexual." and "He's a racist." and "He's crazy." and "He's homeless. " and "He's a retired drug dealer." and many more elements of character assassination for 45 years, I encountered more of the same. On April 1, 2015 I called to the District Attorney for Middlesex (a Massachusetts county government dissolved due to corruption), to complain about FBI employees stirring up animosity saying "He's a racist." and "He's a homosexual." The standard response of the DA (elderly and disability abuse attorney) is to ask me, "Don't you have any relatives?" Huh? When I complained to the taxpayer funded elder abuse services unit, they demanded of me, "Can you prove you are not mentally ill." Wha?

For 45 years, up to nine (currently five), crime families, their police and government associates took turns harassing me, disturbing my sleep, conducting 24/7 surveillance, and character assassination. They keep me surrounded by hateful and hostile homosexuals, police employees, FBI employees,  psychologists, crime family associates, man-hating feminists, lesbians, and black racists.  Every day for 45 years in mostly three states. 

But this is not an issue for the $2 billion a year taxpayer funded human services industry. Their mission is allegedly to assist vulnerable persons. But they join in with the police and crime families harassing me. It is all about control.

Because of numerous additions of malware to my home computer by police and FBI employees, I use public computer facilities at libraries to post on my blog. My home computer barely functions. It is one part of daily harassment, tampering with my telephone, USPS mail, cable TV and computer communications. Most of these intrusions are felonies. But that is not an issue for the law enforcement apparatus in the USA. A question about catering a homosexual same sex wedding is the highest priority among journalists, politicians, and law enforcement. 

Nine days after my post I went to an area library to add to my blog. I met a homosexual police employee who works for the Kennedy cult. That is the criminal organization that adopted me in 1968 when I was an undergraduate at Columbia University. They promoted me as a political candidate, specifically a homosexual candidate. They were at war with the California Syndicate, who attacked me for 47 years because of the war with the Kennedy cult. I was clueless. They still attack me in 2015. 

I sat at one of about 20 computer terminals trying to work. The homosexual got up from opposite me and glared at me. Within two minutes a young man sat next to me. Two others quickly joined him. They proceeded to conduct a tutoring session speaking loudly as if they were in their home or outside. It was not the first time that homosexuals and Communists harassed me at libraries as I tried to work. I ignored them. It continued for an hour. Just as I was getting ready to leave the young man bumped into my chair and said "Oh I'm sorry." I did not understand what he wanted from me. He said "Did I break something?" 

I recognized it was a homosexual police employee trying to provoke me as they did for 45 years. This was on behalf of the homosexual in the Kennedy Cult and the Genovese family who relentlessly targeted me for 45 years saying, "He's a homosexual." It is boring now. I am 70 years old, and there is no hope of undoing 45 years of character assassination. Communists say, "He's not real." "He's dead." They call me "everything," refer to me as "it." But the homosexuals continue to attack an elderly, disabled white male. On the bus on the way home there were nine (I counted them), homosexual police employees making sure I did not speak with any heterosexual women. One man, I suspect a member of the Genovese family, smirked at me, as if to say, "You don't like us? How do you like the Kennedy cult and the Communists?"  More evidence of the hateful and hostile, creepy, homosexual, police, and FBI employees who surround me every day.

When I arrived home the lesbian psychologist employed by the Harvard University campus police threatened me with "They want to hurt you." Oh? Is that correct? And the District Attorney wants to know if I have relatives. The Nazis used to ask Jewish people, "Do you have any relatives in Germany?" And the White House leads the nation on its suicidal mission. 

[From article]
Lorence had a message to those on the other side of the debate.
“Be careful what you wish for. One day, the government will demand that you do something that violates your innermost beliefs. And then you’ll have absolutely no defense.”


Religious conservatives are the targets of discrimination, lawyer says
April 3, 2015 12:23 PM

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