March 22, 2015

Doctor Discovers Government Medical Research Abuses Using Human Subjects for Dangerous Experiments Without Consent

It is worse than this doctor discovered. Not only are politicians and medical professionals not interested in unlawful experiments using human subjects without informed consent, but the very taxpayer funded US government agency whose mission is to protect human subjects, refuses to investigate any claims about such illegal practices. The Office of Human Subject Protection demands that human subjects provide evidence of wrongdoing. They want to know who the principle researcher is. But if an experiment is being conducted without consent how can the human subject know who is doing it? For example. This abuse is institutionalized historically. There are a few books about some egregious abuses. I Swear By Apollo: Dr. Ewen Cameron And The CIA Brainwashing by Don Gillmor, Journey Into Madness by Gordon Thomas, My Life at the Bar and Beyond by Alex K. Paterson, In the Sleep Room: The Story of the CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada by Anne Collins, about Ewen Cameron at McGill, funded by the CIA. Michael D'Antonio's book State Boys Rebellion about the MIT experiments for Quaker Oats, performed on institutionalized young men at the Fernald State School in Waltham MA.

[From article]
During the 2000s, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-funded researchers at Southern California Medical Schools sprayed high doses of diesel exhaust particles up the noses of 10-15 year old children in a ‘scientific’ experiment to see what would happen. Federal and California State laws prohibit such immoral and unethical experiments with children or even adults. Does the EPA disregard and disrespect law and ethics in a mindless crusade to regulate air?
Although specifically required to do so by federal regulations and the Nuremberg Code-based California state law — if not basic morality — the University of Southern California (USC) and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) researchers failed to disclose to the children and parents of those children that the EPA, at the time had concluded that diesel exhaust emissions contained particles that are toxic, dangerous, deadly and cause cancer.
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After evidence of these illegal human exposures to small particle air pollution experiments in Southern California Medical Research facilities was discovered in 2012 by Steve Milloy of Junk, the EPA tried to delete the evidence from its publicly available Internet archives.
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The agency had nothing to worry about, however, since politicians, pubic officials, even licensing boards, and, of course, the lapdog media, have not noted or criticized the conduct.
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a college co-ed guinea pig at the University of Rochester died as the result of a procedure related to a human exposure experiment from a complication of a diagnostic procedure.
A report of one of the research projects at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine in Chapel Hill attracted the attention of, but it was discovered in litigation that other universities and their faculties around the country are involved in the unethical and inhumane exposure experiments, including, by admission of EPA official Eugene Cascio, MD, Medical Schools at Rutgers, Ohio State, Michigan, Michigan State, Washington (State) U, UCLA, USC, and the Lovelace Medical affiliated with the U of New Mexico.
These Medical Schools and research groups have engaged in human exposure experiments for more than 10 years, receiving grants of more than 8 million dollars.
The American Tradition Institute (ATI, now called the Energy and Environmental Legal Institute) sued the EPA in 2012 to stop an ongoing experiment. After a round of procedural wrangling, the judge dismissed the suit, holding that ATI didn’t have the standing to protect the human study subjects. Only the study subjects themselves had the standing to sue. But since EPA had lied to the study subjects about the risks of the exposures in the experiments, how would they even know their legal rights had been violated?
I have written about this problem to all the 18 Republican physicians in the congress but have received not once response or inquiry. These are all licensed physicians who are, by their licensure, obligated to take action to prevent public harm by other practitioners. They are also obligated by their public positions as Congressmen.
I have also written to State Medical Boards in North Carolina and Michigan, for example, about this scandal and the Deans of the 10 Medical Schools that do human exposure experiments, according to EPA officials. Not one letter of response or indication of concern has been received.

January 26, 2015
The EPA Uses Children (and Adults) as Guinea Pigs
By John Dale Dunn MD JD

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