March 27, 2015

Obsessed With Sex

This essay is another indication that advocates and practitioners of homosexual sex, are obsessed with sex. There is no way around this. The author who uses the title Reverend suggests that heterosexual persons are offended by the idea of homosexual public sexual expression. Nonsense. I am a heterosexual. I never had any desire to have sex with a man. It offends me to think about it. That did not stop the FBI, Communists, police and crime families from saying "He's a homosexual." for about 40 years in mostly three states. It did wonders for my social life. Seeing a man kiss a woman in a film, or on the street is offensive to me. Why should I enjoy watching two men kiss or two women? I do not like to watch. People who define themselves by how they have sex, indicates that they are intolerant of people who do not share their obsession with sex. Get over it. We know what you like to do. Go do it. Why do we have to watch or hear you boast about it, or have you rub our noses in your obsession? Do you know how to do anything else? After 5,000 years of homosexual sex being a crime and a sin, the Supreme Court of the United States said it is no longer a crime, especially in Cambridge. Why not ban heterosexuals?

Faith in Action column: The love that dare not speak its name
By Rev. Irene Monroe

Posted Mar. 27, 2015 at 8:13 AM


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