April 17, 2014

Three Questions Regarding Obama's Murky Past

[From article]
Meanwhile, we can all enjoy watching the formerly-mainstream media twist themselves into pretzels trying to ignore the big scam of a forged "birth certificate" of a U.S. president covering up a minor detail in this president's birth history which has already been revealed and which is now becoming widely known.


July 7, 2012
Were Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Really Married?
By Nick Chase

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[From article]
Or, was he a kindergartener preparing for college -- genius supreme that he incontrovertibly is?
Or not. Of course Soebarkah himself did not fold time and space; of course he is not a genius supreme. The genuine, non-conspiratorial explanation is much more mundane.
Soebarkah lived in Indonesia, then appeared in Hawaii for a very brief spell, then moved right back to Indonesia, and then back to Hawaii again.
We can confirm this by consulting Department of Education records.
Except we can't, of course, because by mere happenstance the Department of Education "has been unable to find his records."
Perhaps instead we could simply examine the 1965 passport of Stanley Ann Dunham? Nope; the State Department informs us that Dunham's passport materials were destroyed as a matter of routine.
Clearly, these sorts of thing often happen.


February 3, 2014
Barack Hussein Soebarkah: In Two Places at the Same Time?
By Jason Kissner

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[From article]
Let’s just give Obama the benefit of the doubt here. A mistake was made. Beyond question, there are, by now, probably thousands of people wandering around Hawaiian zip code 96814 who are possessed of Connecticut-routed SSN’s associated with Danbury’s 06814 zip code.
So just banish it from your mind, because there is more interesting ID related material to attend to.
But what about the “cross-indexing” of the name Bounel with Obama’s name, his home address, and his SSN -- all of which Snopes admits happened?
The above Snopes quote claims that “this type of error is common in [personal information] databases.”
They supply no data whatsoever in support of this claim, but, once again, never mind.
Clearly, questions about Obama’s identity have nothing to do with data and shouldn’t.
We already know the answers, and the answers are that everything’s A-OK.
And yet, there remain pesky questions such as “just how common is it for names to be mistakenly linked to other names, addresses, and SSN’s in “personal information databases”?


April 17, 2014
Barack Hussein Obama and Harrison J. Bounel
By Jason Kissner

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