April 17, 2014

Online Social Media Reduces Real Human Interaction

[From article]
The study also found that roughly 71 percent of online adults are Facebook users as of December 2013.
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when people start to view social media relationships in place of or better than real life experiences it could be used as an escape from reality.
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real-life interactions and social media interactions do not meet the same needs when compared.
“Real life interactions add a whole extra layer to how people benefit with relationships for other people than cyber ones,
Absent from this analysis of social media is that corporations use every key stroke you make to learn how to manipulate you for marketing and for control purposes. Whatever else it may facilitate, one is a loss of freedom to psychologists and government information addicts.


Psychologist: Social Media Causing A ‘Distancing Phenomena’ To Take Place
Regina F. Graham
CBS News Washington DC
April 16, 2014 2:12 PM

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