April 10, 2014

Free Speech Only For What I Like To Hear?

[From article]
When the Supreme Court declared in 2010 that both unions and corporations had a right to buy political ads, that was considered outrageous by the Left. President Obama called the decision “devastating” and said it “will open the floodgates for special interests.”
Those unfamiliar with political rhetoric may not know that “special interests” mean people who support your opponents. One’s own organized supporters — such as labor unions supporting President Obama — are never called “special interests.”
All politicians are against “special interests,” by definition. They all want their own supporters to have the right to free speech, but not those individuals and groups so benighted as to support their opponents.
[. . .]
If truth-in-packaging laws applied to Congress, a campaign-finance law would have to be labeled an “Incumbents Protection Act.”
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It is fascinating to see how some people — in both politics and the media — can depict their own narrow self-interest as a holy crusade for the greater good of society. The ability of the human mind to rationalize is one of the wonders of the world.


APRIL 8, 2014 12:00 AM
A Halo for Selfishness
Campaign-finance laws are a scam to protect incumbents.
By Thomas Sowell

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