October 14, 2012

Abuse of Human Subjects in Research Criticized

Though the academic community has mostly people with integrity on their IRBs it is still easy to thwart the intent of the toothless laws (45 CFR 46) on using human subjects for medical research. Government and military researchers still use involuntary human subjects and without the need for any IRB. By using private individuals unaffiliated with the academic institution, there is no need for IRB approval. The problem arises when the research is conducted on property of an institution which receives US taxpayer funds. That jeopardizes all of the research grants received by the institution. Harvard sends one letter to the NIH called an "Assurance Letter" which promises to obey all the laws regarding using human subjects. That one letter covers all of the hundreds of millions that Harvard receives each year. One violation would end all the money. So it is essential to prevent any illegal research on Harvard property from being investigated by the Hear No Evil, See No Evil and Speak No Evil human protection agency at the NIH. So far so good. Harvard continues to get taxpayer money no matter what goes on. 


Journal Expresses Concern About Professor's Criticized Study
Published: Thursday, October 11, 2012
Harvard Crimson

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