October 21, 2012

Man With Fifty Arrests Charged With Trying to Steal Woman's Purse

Charming public spirited citizen volunteering to help young women
carry their belongings late at night when the streets are dangerous.
No one was watching this concerned citizen taking time out from
his busy life to protect personal electronics from theft. He provided
safe keeping. Compare with the priorities in Cambridge MA host city of Harvard and MIT, where local police, campus police, crime families, Communists and FBI informants take turns conducting 24/7 surveillance, harassment, character assassination, ridicule, humiliation, sleep deprivation, of a 70-year-old white man who the above mentioned groups all say has a disability. 

[From article]
The suspect — who has 50 arrests dating back to 1988 — had a crack
pipe on him when he was busted, sources said.


Bouncer tackles West Village purse snatcher
New York Post
Last Updated: 3:40 PM, October 20, 2012
Posted: 3:18 PM, October 20, 2012

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