October 31, 2012

Saudi King Demands UN Enforce Sharia Law

The propaganda about the misguided US policy may be coming from Saudi
Arabia. The suggestion that a lame film made by an amateur crew
provoked homicidal reactions, is nonsense, and has been disproved. Yet
the propagandists continue to deceive the uninformed. More important
is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations


It states in the preamble

"Whereas disregard and contempt for human

rights have resulted in barbarous acts which
have outraged the conscience of mankind,
and the advent of a world in which human
beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and
belief [. . .]"

And especially in

"Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion
and expression; this right includes freedom
to hold opinions without interference and
under national or international law, at the
time when it was committed. Nor shall a
to seek, receive and impart information and
ideas through any media and regardless of

That would be like asking the United States to allow censorship and to

eliminate protections of the First Amendment. The problem with Islam
is that it does not permit criticism of Islam. It makes other
religions and non believers into enemies and is intolerant of others
who believe differently. That is an issue with Islam the Saudi King
does not address. It is an attempt to make Sharia Law into UN Law.

[From article]
Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz on Saturday demanded a UN resolution
condemning insults on monotheistic religions after a low-budget film
produced in the US sparked deadly protests last month.


27 OCTOBER 2012 - 17H51
Saudi king urges UN action against religious insults

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