September 4, 2012

Police Priorities Capture 8 Guns in Traffic Stop

One reason for the police being short staffed is due to the resources spent every day harassing me. Are the listed responses from police officers or from non-police emergency dispatchers?

[Comment from cambridgegreen]
The thing that concerns me is these types of criminals are always on Medford Street and into Gore Street in Cambridge. There are a lot of gangs that cut through this area and hangout at the McDonalds and Gold Star Mother's Park. A female on my street was flashed by a homeless person last week. That homeless person is doing drugs with some of the teenagers living in East Cambridge. The teenagers are getting the drugs from the dealers and gang people that come through on a regular basis. Some of the drugs are done openly on Gore Street stoops. I reported this to the Cambridge police several times over the past month. Here are the responses I received.

#1- If they don't catch them in the act they can't do anything.
#2 - It is not illegal to poses needles in the State of Massacusetts.
#3 - It is not illegal for people to hang out on the streeet corners.
#4 - I've never heard of Gold Star Mother's Park
#5 - We are aware there are some homeless living in the park at night but this is a low priority call. Please continue to call and they will check it out, but understand it won't be a priority call, they are short staffed.

This leaves me with little confidence in seeing things change.

Cambridge man arrested after traffic stop turns up 8 guns
Cambridge Chronicle
Posted Sep 04, 2012 @ 09:30 AM

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