September 29, 2012

Six Black Teen Girls Beat Mentally Disabled Philadelphia Woman For Fun

Grave allegations: Anye Dennis, 16, (above), Rahmiiyah Henderson, 16, (below), were charged with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment and a host of other counts in connection with the attack

Young suspects: Jonyea Bell, 16, (above), and Jamia Davis, 15, (below), will be tried as adults, which means that if convicted, they could face up to 20 years in prison

This group of delightful public spirited young women exhibit the modern standards of behavior. Taking time from their busy work-filled days making the world a better place, they took a break for recreation -- beating a vulnerable woman. With criminals running the government encouraged by drug addled celebrities in Hollywood and New York it is easy to understand why so many teens turn to violence especially preying on vulnerable persons. In Cambridge MA, the three main victim groups (Black Americans, women and homosexuals) assisted by local police and Harvard University campus police, conduct a 30-year project of harassment, threats, ridicule, humiliation, provocation, surveillance, and character assassination of a 70-year-old white male who they all say is disabled. The woman victim did not call police. Any wonder why? Police are often the source of abuse of disabled persons. They join in ridiculing and humiliating them. Who needs extra abuse from police, when a gang of private teen thugs do the job without government subsidies? Preying on disabled persons is more pervasive than admitted or recognized by myopic journalists who focus only on the Big Three victim groups. Is this because of the wealth and power of those groups compared to the weakness and poverty of persons with disabilities? Do journalists share the values of these teens, who along with politicians worship wealth and power; who prey on and exploit weak individuals as the rest of the animal kingdom does?

[From article]
The woman sought medical attention after the incident, but never told authorities.

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Gang of teen girls 'remorseless' after being charged as adults with beating disabled woman 'just for fun' as she sat on her stoop
PUBLISHED: 00:19 EST, 29 September 2012 | UPDATED: 01:21 EST, 29 September 2012

 * * *

2 more teens arrested in recorded beating of woman outside Philly; 4 others still held on bail
By Associated Press,
Washington Post
Published: September 28, 2012

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