September 16, 2012

Homosexuals Are The Only Group of Victims Who Have Rights

This same pattern of coercion applies to Black Americans and their useful idiot acolytes insisting that all White men are racists. They are not satisfied not being victims of discrimination, they demand special privileges. But it is OK for Black Americans to harass and to insult White Americans, and to deny White people their rights. What a lovely country where some people are more equal than others. America has become Animal Farm. What is especially disappointing is that Harvard University approves of these misguided one-sided abusive standards. Harvard University officials insist that Black people cannot be racist because they are better than Whites. Isn't that what racism is? No trouble for Harvard for whom laws are optional along with logic. The f US Department of Justice Civil Rights Division attorneys refuse to enforce laws in a race neutral manner, indicating the Obama-Holder administration is racist. Holder's lawyers refused to prosecute the New Black Panther Party for intimidating White voters. Holder was found in contempt of Congress with little concern for liberal propagandists who claim to be journalists. At Harvard as with New Mexico homosexuals, intolerance in the name of tolerance is always appropriate.

[From article]
The Huguenin case demonstrates how advocates of tolerance become tyrannical. First, a disputed behavior, such as sexual activities between people of the same sex, is declared so personal and intimate that government should have no jurisdiction over it. Then, having won recognition of what Louis Brandeis, a pioneer of the privacy right, called “the right to be let alone,” some who have benefited from this achievement assert a right not to let other people alone. It is the right to coerce anyone who disapproves of the now protected behavior into acting as though they approve it, or at least into not acting on their disapproval.
So, in the name of tolerance, government declares intolerable individuals such as the Huguenins, who disapprove of a certain behavior but ask only to be let alone in their quiet disapproval. Perhaps advocates of gay rights should begin to restrain the bullies in their ranks.

We vant to be left alone
Our one wish for government
George F. Will
New York Post
Last Updated: 11:43 PM, September 15, 2012
Posted: 10:32 PM, September 15, 2012

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