March 5, 2012

Scapegoat - Not Innocent Bystanders

Saturday March 3, 2012. Delightful man from Somerville MA gambling ring came to visit and made threats, "We have to hit you." Not the first time he came to harass me making threats. I suspect it won't be the last. Criminals have a way of being ubiquitous, while friends come and go. It is now more than 40 years of criminals (public and private) harassing me, provoking me, ridiculing me, humiliating me, and keeping me under surveillance while they assassinate my character. They do not know when to stop. It is in their nature as sociopaths. I am a living example of what Stanley Milgram described in his experiments about obedience to authority. That would include the authority of crime families. For others, police or the FBI is their authority. Parents, researchers and professors are authority figures. For this man his authority figure is a gambling ring in Somerville MA. On Saturday night I saw another one of the bookies from that gambling ring leaving my building as I returned home. Do they have an office in my building? On Monday March 5, 2012 the charming and always delightful Lisa Wang, Harvard student and United Nations volunteer, reportedly made more threats on their behalf. "They're going to shoot you." Thanks for the warning. Will they be using your apartment to watch me too?

For 42 years one or another of the following kept me under surveillance: FBI, CIA, local and state police (7 states), up to 9 different crime families, and Communists, now called progressives. Not all at once, but on occasion they fell over each other trying to get to me to harass me. In New York City I worked as a systems programmer for large main frame IBM computers. I worked as a systems analyst and programmer for Univac computers too. I was a prominent student at Columbia University, chairman of a group of 35 elected students who represented 21 schools of the University. We met with the Trustees after the student protests in 1968-69.

In 1973 government psychiatrists working at Harvard University drugged me for 80 consecutive days without my consent. They thought I was a spy. They broadcast character assassination to cover their crime. They had three scenarios of plausibledeniability. They said (1) "He had a nervous breakdown."; (2 ) "He is a drug addict."; and (3) "Some young people put PCP [whatever that is] into marijuana." Spinning the facts depending upon who they were lying to.

The FBI and useful idiots scared me then used me to fight organized crime for 15 years. They never compensated me. The FBI like crime families use women to pay their bills, even though (or especially because) the FBI is run by homosexuals. It is the largest taxpayer funded human trafficking organization in the world. Over the years the character assassination did not end. It increased.

New elements stirred up racial animosity, police animosity, whatever they could think of, they used to stir up hatred against me. Crime families were paid to conduct this abuse. Communists did it for free. After 40 years of brutal harassment, slander, police and psychiatric abuses, local police criminals (criminals protected by police), like gambling rings continue their high tech abuses. They disturb my sleep, tamper with my telephone, US mail, and computer communications. At least one state and one US felony are violated by these criminals, every day, 24/7/356. But Massachusetts government, like the FBI, is run by homosexual criminals. The City government of Cambridge too. It may be they run the administration at Harvard University.

With all of that fire power directed at me, are there any decent, law abiding people left in this country? Many people obey police criminals unaware that they are working for crime families. Columbia University graduates, administrators, are aware of the abuse and do nothing. I spent 15 years speaking before, writing to and about the Cambridge City Council and Harvard University. I made videos of city meetings for broadcast online when the city did not make them. I notified the Harvard administration about law violations on their property providing photo images as evidence. They know what is going on. Harvard is the landlord of the premises where I live. They permit and participate in the criminal abuse attacking me in my home, and tampering with my communications.

Cambridge officials alternate with next door Somerville officials harassing me, threatening me and assaulting me. Somerville has a well-deserved reputation for being thoroughly corrupt. Cambridge has a better image. Two cities and two prominent universities. Isn't it ironic that the current President has degrees from both of these institutions? He and his Attorney General (law degree from Columbia) refuse to enforce laws in a race neutral manner. They refuse to enforce civil rights laws if the violator is black and the victim is white. Hello? Is anyone paying attention? The US government is being used for payback of white people for the sins of their ancestors. White people are denied equal treatment in hiring, university admissions, and government grants due to Affirmative Action. Is it only Harvard and the City of Cambridge who are in denial that black people are as greedy as white people? Black people who suffered no harm are being compensated. White people who did no wrong are being punished. The current progressive ideologues have turned the notion of jurisprudence on its head. Equal means unequal in some circumstances.

For 25 years or more I complained to city, state and US officials about these criminal abuses. I spent five years in state and US courts seeking relief, petitioning the Supreme Court of the US for a Writ of Certiorari.

March 23, 1987
479 U.S. 992.
Petition for rehearing denied.
© 1998 VersusLaw Inc.

Three US judges and the Clerk of the Supreme Court resigned after I filed complaints about misconduct. The courts were used for surveillance and for harassment too. Those delightful FBI cheerleaders said I was homeless in Boston when I was litigating these cases. Taxpayer funded agencies refused to stop the abuses. I complained to the FBI and to the US Attorney without relief. One lawyer explained to me that when the government harasses you they take an hour of your life. If you write a complaint and send it to agencies seeking relief it takes two more hours of your life. The government gets three hours of harassment for the price of one. It became counterproductive to complain. Learning to live being harassed by criminal morons took a lot of discipline. But it saves me a lot of time.

It allowed me to read books and articles about how dangerous and corrupt the FBI is in Boston. I learned about how a group of criminals ran the Boston FBI allowing their informant employees to murder 19 civilians and to corrupt unknown numbers of local and state police and politicians. US attorneys in Boston did nothing to stop the FBI abuses. Some of the murder victims pleaded with the US attorney to protect them. Government lawyer thugs refused. Some of the criminal government lawyers are now judges. I read about how the FBI used an informant in a state court trial knowing he was lying under oath to convict four white men of murder. Two of the men died in prison. Two were released after 30 years. The USDC in Boston awarded the families $101 million, which the compassionate-truth-and-justice- seeking Department of Justice refused to pay and appealed.

There is no will among government officials or taxpayers to clean up the cesspool of Massachusetts government pollution. There are five law schools in Boston and several schools of government. What does that say about the morals of the academic world? They are only interested in getting taxpayer grants. They go along to get along. They just want to get in on the action stealing taxpayer funds.

When I was still complaining about criminal abuses, one man left a voice mail message saying he was a police officer from Medford MA. He told me to stop complaining about criminal psychologists who were harassing me. Another man left a message saying he was a state police officer. He warned me to stop complaining to state agencies or he would have me arrested. A spokesman for the Boston Police told me to stop calling them, when I inquired about four suspicious deaths in Boston.

The police say, "He's mentally ill." How is that not a violation of state and US privacy laws, whether true or not? But they prevent me from seeking help no less getting any from taxpayer funded agencies whose mission is to protect disabled persons from abuses. This allows them to continue their criminal abuse because no one listens to persons they think are disabled. I called the MA state police headquarters. I asked one officer why the state police ignore complaints about crime from people they think are disabled. He told me "Because you cannot rely on what they say." I said, "That implies that normal people do not lie." That was about all we spoke about.

The FBI has a long history of ignoring complaints from persons with disabilities. In 1963 in the months leading up to the assassination of President JFK, several men across the country reported to the FBI that there was a plot to kill the President. In every case the FBI agents ignored them believing they all had a history of disability.Gary Lee Samson called the esteemed Boston office of the FBI July 23, 2011, to surrender, announcing he was wanted for murder. An FBI agent hung up the phone. The agent, who was disciplined, claimed it was inadvertent. Plausibledeniability? It is just as likely that he believed that the caller was disabled. Hmmm. Who would call the FBI to turn himself in? He must have a disability. Aha!

One element of these many years of abuse is a woman who I dated for three months when I was in law school. She is a white lesbian married to a black homosexual FBI informant. For the last 30 years they kept me under surveillance and continued getting paid by the FBI to "protect me." Saying they were my friends, they told everyone I knew and everyone I met that I was a retired drug dealer. That did wonders for my social life, my political life, and my economic life. It was a way for the FBI to keep me isolated. The woman was a useful idiot for the FBI.

Under the Code of Mass Regulations one area of jurisdiction for legal protections from taxpayer funded elder services agencies is when a person had a past relationship with the abuser. It applies to that woman and her husband. When I sought help from the elder services agency in Cambridge and Somerville, they said to me, "Can you prove that you are not mentally ill?" Huh? What difference does that make? If a person has a disability (according to state and US statutes, if a person perceives another as having a disability, that is a legal disability), then it is OK to harass him? That appears to be the thinking among taxpayer funded human services agencies.

At the Cambridge Council on Aging which allegedly helps older people with difficulties, one charming employee said to me before I explained why I went there, "We don't have any problems with the police." Is this an example of the police state? Do police rule over civilians in Cambridge contrary to the rule of law? The District Attorney has an elder abuse unit. When I made contact with their assistant DA, the delightful woman explained to me that there were a lot of murders and they are too busy to deal with any crimes less than homicide. Huh?

Under Massachusetts law when a person over 60 years of age meets with a medical professional the professional is required to ask the elder person, "Do you feel safe at home?" They don't all do that, but they are required by law to do so. When the answer is "No," they ask if you want to speak with someone. Then they call or make an appointment with a social worker. The social worker speaks with the person who does not feel safe and inquires why. When I explained that police criminals are harassing me disturbing my sleep and threatening me every day they look at me. Some of them explain that they are only "looking for domestic abuse." Others say we can only address abuse by caregivers, spouses, housemates, persons with a relationship to the abused person. That is the law which applies to persons with disabilities and elder persons. There is no requirement to follow up the situation if the abuse comes from police criminals, strangers as in my case. That's an accurate example of how bureaucracy works. "It's not my job."

Two cities, two universities, city and state police, District Attorney, elected officials, FBI, US attorney, and about one dozen taxpayer funded human services agencies were and are aware of this criminal abuse. They allow it to continue. Growing up in New York City and New Jersey, the first 28 years of my life I was surrounded by loving sensitive ordinary human beings. Since I came to Massachusetts to go to law school, I've been surrounded by hostile and hateful police criminals, psychopaths and sociopaths who relate to others using violence. I never would have believed that so many disgusting people even existed.

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