March 22, 2012

Campaign To Silence Rush Limbaugh

19 years ago an Episcopal Minister speaking in Cambridge MA said, "We've got to stop Rush Limbaugh." I didn't know who he was. The Minster was a vocal anti war activist so I wondered why he opposed Limbaugh's comments whatever they were. I began listening to Limbaugh and learned a lot I did not know. It didn't matter whether I agreed with him. He was speaking about issues that no one else did. I still wonder why anyone wants to censor speech. If Limbaugh is so wrong why not explain it in words rather than trying to censor him? Help ordinary citizens understand what the truth is. Another resident of Cambridge once began a conversation declaring that Glenn Back was terrible. I didn't know who he was either so I listened to him too. Sad that so many people have a misguided idea of what the First Amendment is all about. It is to protect speech that you hate. Everybody supports speech that they like. In ancient Athens there was no law or constitution that protected free speech. It was a 1200 year tradition.

Radio campaign next step against Rush Limbaugh
By David Baude
Associated Press
Thursday, March 22, 2012

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