March 27, 2012

Eagan Uninformed About Gun Laws and Crime

Margery Eagan says, "I wanted specifics, because I can’t find any." Try John R. Lott's book, More Guns Less Crime, published May 2010. In Arizona there is little street violence. People are allowed to carry weapons. When criminals know that anyone may have a gun they learn to be careful who they attack. In campus shootings if there were as there are on occasion armed civilians or off duty police present, the killers get shot quickly before emptying their weapons. Violent crime will go down in Florida as the law becomes known to the citizens. In Chicago with draconian gun laws there are dozens of shootings by teen thugs every weekend. In MA if someone attacks you, you are REQUIRED to retreat before you are allowed to defend yourself. Read the laws before you mislead others.

Stand your ground against this bill
Boston Herald
By Margery Eagan
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

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