August 18, 2011

Misguided Academic Priorities

There is no end to the hypocrisy of academic elites. They pay $200,000 for hate speech toward an African library employee. Why is it that immigrants first learn the discrimination laws? People with disabilities are exploited by medical professionals and human services corporations, demonized by journalists and abused by police and the courts. Yet there is silence about this group of American citizens with a 70 percent unemployment rate. Who sets the national priorities?

[From article]
"NYU shelled out $210,000 to settle an ex-library worker's claims his boss repeatedly called him a monkey and a gorilla and taunted him with other racist slurs, federal authorities said yesterday."

NYU $ettles race-taunt claims
New York Post
Last Updated: 2:55 AM, August 17, 2011
Posted: 2:24 AM, August 17, 2011

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