August 24, 2011

A Stolen Life, Jaycee Dugard's Memoir

Unimaginable depravity living amongst us. A convicted sex offender kidnapped the 11-year-old girl using a stun gun assisted by his wife. Parole officers visited his home 60 times over 18 years where the girl was being held, and while the sex offender was being "treated" by psychiatrists. Stirring deep emotions it is not an easy read. She was reunited with her mother and sister. Who sets the priorities regarding watching civilians? Clueless taxpayer funded officials were unable to see what this guy was doing FOR 18 YEARS!!! Yet police and FBI informants keep me under 24/7 surveillance, harassment and character assassination for personal and political reasons. Who sets priorities?

Jaycee Dugard's 'A Stolen Life' -- the first 100 pages
July 13, 2011 2:00 pm
Los Angeles Times Blogs
Carolyn Kellogg

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