August 25, 2011

Police Seize Cameras at Public Meeting of US Rep. Chabot (R-OH)

[Following sent by online form to US Rep. Steve Chabot.]
Video shows the unlawful seizure of cameras by police at your town hall meeting on August 22, 2011 at the North Avondale Rec. Center. That was an abuse of police power which you ordered or permitted. The police officer was negligently trained and violated the rights of the citizens whose cameras he seized. It may be theft by holding. You violated your oath to uphold and to defend the US Constitution. It was one more shameful act by an elected official. Are there no elected officials left who support the constitution?

[Following was added to emails sent to two Cincinnati police officers]
amy.stevens (at)
craig.gregoire (at)
I did not mention any open meetings laws that OH may have in place and do not know if it was also a violation of that law.

[Two video clips embedded showing police abuses]
Cops Confiscate Cameras at Ohio Congressman’s Town Hall
Kurt Nimmo
August 24, 2011

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