August 18, 2011

Common Sense and Integrity Trump Credentials

This lover of career politicians makes the case for Palin by his illogical arguments and misguided values. He says, "Had John McCain won in 2008, we would have put an incompetent, deceitful, and vengeful person second in line to the presidency." But McCain lost and we "put an incompetent, deceitful, and vengeful person" in the presidency. This pundit belongs to the Obama club of "credential worshippers." Credentials do not bring with them integrity or common sense. Obama and his tax cheaters have intelligence and Ivy League degrees. They lack integrity and common sense. Palin has both. That is what makes her attractive to voters and taxpayers.

[From article]
"Had John McCain won in 2008, we would have put an incompetent, deceitful, and vengeful person second in line to the presidency.
[. . .]
But it remains true even now that Republicans do not take intelligence or expertise very seriously as qualifications for the presidency."

David Frum
Lessons learned from the Palin debacle
How to avoid another disastrous Republican national nomination
August 17, 2011, at 6:07 PM

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