August 20, 2015

US Courts Ignore States' Rights

The White House and the Department of Justice ignore courts, why not states too. Why not everybody ignore the courts. Just close them and save money. Go back to executions on the spot. Big fish eat the little fish, and he who has the gold makes the rules. Why not.

[From article]
Following last week’s controversial U.S. Supreme Court rulings on Obamacare and gay marriage, voters believe more strongly that individual states should have the right to turn their backs on the federal courts.
[. . .]
Perhaps even more disturbing is that the voters who feel strongest about overriding the federal courts – Republicans and conservatives - are those who traditionally have been the most supportive of the Constitution and separation of powers. During the Obama years, however, these voters have become increasingly suspicious and even hostile toward the federal government.

Support Grows for States to Ignore the Federal Courts
Friday, July 03, 2015

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