August 31, 2015

Trading Cambridge MA Trees For Parking Cars, Medical Marijuana?

City of Cambridge, under direction of the committee for a new library, with oversight from the City Council and City Manager decided it was necessary for the new library to provide an underground parking garage. Unlike the Boston Public Library, the New York Public Library and the Brooklyn Public Library all of which do not provide parking, Cambridge had to have it. One result is that this huge tree growing in Joan Lorenz Park for many years suddenly lost its root system and was dying. Here are some of my images of the tree which is no longer on the lawn in front of the new main library.

Image captured March 18, 2012

Image captured March 30, 2013

Image captured March 30, 2013

Here is what that tree looks like on August 28, 2015. Temporary fence around the place where the tree was. 

Image captured August 28, 2015

Image captured August 28, 2015

Image captured August 28, 2015

Image captured August 28, 2015

Image captured August 28, 2015

This is the opening to get to the parking garage in case of emergency. It was why the tree was removed. No need for trees when you have enough parking spaces. More Cambridge City Council policy with contradictory and counterproductive effects in the name of good. Always in the name of good, and diversity. Don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Better there should be violence than to hurt anyone's feelings. I mean, like, what if someone wanted to use the library but was offended if they had to walk to the library or take a bus or a taxi. Or like, I mean, like, you know, if they had to park on the street. How icky. I mean, you know, how hateful can you be? 

Will this new lawn space be used to grow medical marijuana? That way you know, like, I mean, people who need it will not have to go far. They can park in the library garage and get some quickly, without waiting for the dispensaries to open. Like, how awesome is that? Thanks City Council.

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