The intent of Obama’s Fundamental Transformation of America and those of
the Revolutionary Communist Party USA are one and the same. Both
foment for the kind of revolution that will take down America and toss
it into the dust bin of history.
[From article]
“If you were watching the news broadcasts about the protests in New York City, you undoubtedly saw many people carrying signs reflecting their beliefs. But wait. The people holding those signs don’t look even barely capable of having printed the signs themselves, so you might wonder who the sponsor of the rally could be. Who furnished the signs?
“Well, on the bottom of the signs is the name of the sponsor: “So, if you’re at all curious, just click right here on and see who provided those spiffy signs those idiots are holding up. It’ll only take a second.”
Benjamin has proven something no one else has to date: protesters in Ferguson and New York are not grassroots orientated but agitated and aggravated into action by—the US home-grown communists.
That makes Al Sharpton the Commie’s loudest and biggest useful idiot in America.
[. . .]
History proves that in times of upheaval, Communism always moves in to fill the vacuum. The Communists moved in on Hungary in 1949, they rolled their tanks into Czechoslovakia in 1968, invaded Afghanistan in 1979, moved in on the Ukraine in 2014, and now look to balkanizing America.
Communists prey on the young and the poor to fill their ranks with ‘useful idiots’; feed the resentment of malcontents with propaganda and lies that send them raging out to the streets, to loot and set small business and private property ablaze.
Protesters no longer know or even care about what is true when even their pastors are out on the streets where signs stamped hoisted.
[. . .]
Meanwhile, blogger Benjamin hit the nail on the head when he posted these words on 50 Years Ago a pro-Castro Commie Murdered Our President.
Today a pro-Castro Commie IS, your president.”
Racial unrest in Ferguson and New York a Communist Revolution
Judi McLeod
December 28, 2014
* * *
[From article]
So convinced of the soon-to-come success of their joint venture, Fundamental Transformation of America chief architect Barack Obama and ‘We-can’t-breathe’ Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, Bob Avakian, prime organizer of the current, increasingly violent anti-cop street protests, run their underground missions far away from home base.
Obama, who conducts his mission from golf courses and lush vacation spots, uses the White House as an occasional stopover. With too few public appearances on U.S. soil to count over the last 40 years, Avakian runs his anti-cop street protests from the safety of France, the country he ran to after assaulting a police officer in 1979.
[. . .]
Public memory is short and we all tend to conveniently park communists in the cobwebbed past, moth-balling the inherent dangers of their latter-day activity in file boxes no one wants to open for fear of accusations of red baiting.
But the same radicals who have nourished dreams for revolution for the past half century are the chief organizers of the looting and burning taking place today on the streets of American cities.
[. . .]
“In other words, Obama’s well-touted 2008 presidential platform of Hope & Change is not even his own. Change is what Socialists wanted for America for decades and change is what the Socialists got on November 4, 2008.
“Obama is the programmed robot of the global elite, working to usher in what some call a pre-orchestrated financially challenged world, the United Socialist States of America.”
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, who placed the blame for the growing hatred for police at the feet of Barack Obama, Eric Holder, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and others like MSNBC host Al Sharpton
No longer merely on the way, the Revolution is here
Judi McLeod
December 30, 2014