December 27, 2014

Making Artificial Eggs and Sperm from Skin Cells, What Fun

A microscopic view of sperm fertilising an egg. 

Scraping skin cells from a person and making eggs can be done by anyone to anyone. What will this do to DNA tests determining who the parents are?

[From article]
Scientists have made primitive forms of artificial sperm and eggs in a medical feat that could transform the understanding of age-related diseases and fertility problems.
Researchers in Cambridge made the early-stage sex cells by culturing human embryonic stem cells under carefully-controlled conditions for a week.
They followed the success by showing that the same procedure can convert adult skin tissue into precursors for sperm and eggs, raising the prospect of making sex cells that are genetically matched to patients.
[. . .]
Skin cells from a woman could only be used to make eggs because they lack the Y chromosome. Those from a male might theoretically be turned into eggs as well as sperm, but Azim Surani, who led the work at the Gurdon Institute in Cambridge, said that on the basis of current knowledge, that was unlikely.

Scientists use skin cells to create artificial sperm and eggs
Early-stage sex cells research in Cambridge has potential to help people with fertility problems
Ian Sample, science editor
Wednesday 24 December 2014 12.00 EST

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