November 2, 2014

No Plan to Treat US Troops In West Africa Who May Get Ill With Ebola

[From article]
First of all, if they need to be protected from Ebola, then they need to be protected. Period. Gloves and masks don’t cut it. Either they’re at risk, or they’re not. Obviously they’re at risk while they’re over there, no matter what their job description. And being at risk, they need full protection.
There is no reason a single service man or woman should become ill. None. If any of them do become sick, it will be from negligent government policies.
And the statement that any service member who becomes ill “will be flown home immediately for treatment” contradicts prior statements put out by the Department of Defense.
[. . .]
So they will not be flown home immediately for treatment. They will remain in Liberia where they will be quarantined and stabilized before being sent to a proper hospital for treatment. Where they will be sent remains up in the air as details are still being worked out, as noted in this exchange from a recent DOD press conference:
[. . .]
So we’re sending troops to West Africa without proper protection and there is no concrete plan in place for getting them the care they will need should they fall ill.
Instead we’ve got confirmation there are “non-governmental organizations” involved and that the military “fell in on a host of folks” (whatever that means) while operating in a “complex environment.” Eventually service men that have been exposed to Ebola will be transferred to medical facilities for treatment – facilities that have not yet been identified. But rest assured the facilities will be “appropriate.”
Right now, however, those in charge are still “coordinating,” “synchronizing,” and “working those pieces.” Stay tuned.
It’s Obama to a tee.

October 20, 2014
Soldiers headed to West Africa left hanging out to dry
By Carol Brown

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