November 22, 2014

Ebola Quarantine Lower Priority Than Politics

[From article]
The same administration that refused to enact travel bans from Ebola-plagued West African nations to protect Americans is now granting "temporary protected status" (TPS) to West Africans on American soil so they don't have to go back.
It's not really about public health, of course. It's about political pandering and electoral engineering.
[. . .]
The dictionary informs us of the origin of the term "amnesty." It comes from the Greek word "amnestia," which means "to forget." And that is exactly what America is suffering from when it comes to learning amnesty history lessons. There is no such thing as a "temporary" pardon from immigration law-breaking.

The Truth About Obama's "Temporary" Ebola Amnesty
Michelle Malkin
Nov 21, 2014

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