November 21, 2014

In Order To Pass The Bill Congressmen Cannot Read It, If They Read It They'll Vote Against

[From article]
Mr. Magaziner was the brains behind the Clintons' failed attempt to take over one sixth of the U.S. economy in 1994.  As has been noted, HillaryCare did not pass with a Democratic majority in 1994 because those elected members of Congress actually read the bill Mr. Magaziner helped to write.  The reason why a Democratic Congress passed ObamaCare in 2010 is because Democrats didn't read it!  "We have to pass the bill," Speaker Pelosi assured them, "so that you can find out what is in it."  Right.  Take this medicine now – only then look at the WARNING label.
Mr. Magaziner has maintained a rather low public profile since.  But The New York Times found him ensconced at the Clinton Foundation.
[. . .]
[Bill Clinton] confiding in aides that despite Mr. Magaziner's managerial weaknesses, he was a visionary with good intentions. The former president, according to one person who knows them both, "thinks Ira is brilliant — and brilliant people get away with a lot in Clinton world."
Actually, brilliant people – like Ira Magaziner, like Jon Gruber, like Bill and Hillary, like Barack Obama himself – get away with a lot in Liberal Land.

November 21, 2014
If you like Jon Gruber, just remember Ira Magaziner!
By Ken Blackwell

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