August 14, 2014

Buchanan: Stay Out of New War In Middle East

[From article]
Turkey, a nation of 76 million, has the second-largest army in NATO, equipped with U.S. weapons, and an air force ISIL does not have.
[. . .]
The Syrian government and army, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Shia-dominated government of Iraq, a Shia Iran of 70 million, and the Kurds in Syria and Kurdistan are all anti-Islamic State and willing to fight.
All are potential allies in a coalition to contain or crush ISIS, as is Vladimir Putin’s Russia
[. . .]
And should ISIS attack the United States, we have more than sufficient means to retaliate, without sending in American troops.
Let Middle Easterners take the lead in fighting this newest Middle East war.

Is ISIS ‘An Existential Threat’?
Tuesday - August 12, 2014 at 12:11 am
Patrick J. Buchanan

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