June 2, 2014

Erasing History, Again

For 43 years up to nine crime families, scores of local police departments, state police, socialists, progressives, Communists from five states, FBI informants and assorted other sociopaths conducted relentless criminal abuses taking shots at me. Beginning on or about June 1, 2014, the same criminals began a new misinformation campaign. None of it happened.

One event occurred after I posted a comment on a June 1, 2014, Boston Herald story about the Massachusetts Governor who did not attend the release of a public report about the state department of Children and Family Services. Over the past year egregious abuses including but not limited to deaths of toddlers went uncontrolled. The Governor refused to hold his appointee responsible.


That is typical of all governments these days. They run from controversy and unpleasant facts. Instead they focus on abusing vulnerable persons and twisting reality to fit their own benefit. Conformist, obedient, useful idiots among journalists enable these self serving abuses of power. Obama-Holder-Johnson (formerly Napolitano) institutionalized selective enforcement of laws. The unlawful doctrine declares that inconvenient laws may be ignored.

When I posted my comment, I noticed a message, "Oops. Your comment is being moderated." The Boston Herald uses Discus to moderate their comments. I've used a Discus account for at least seven years. I posted more than 1,000 comments on several online publications. I waited to see why that message appeared. When I looked later the comment had been deleted. I posted another and the same message appeared. I sent emails to some writers and editors at the Boston Herald asking why I was censored. A woman replied saying because my account was unverified, they needed to moderate my comments. I responded to her explaining that I have used Discus for at least seven years. She did not answer.

It was like when I called to a lawyer seeking help with relentless slander. He asked me "What are the damages?" To him I was a nobody about who people were saying bad things. So what's the big deal? (One Kennedy cult homosexual actually said to me once, "If you're not a lawyer you're nobody." A man followed me to Las Vegas to tell me, "You're not so important any more." ) I explained to the lawyer that the slander had gone on for 40 years. He also did not answer and hung up.

I once called a psychiatrist on behalf of a woman being held in a psychiatric ward. I asked the psychiatrist why she incarcerated the women. The psychiatrist asked me, "Did you ever speak to her daughter?" I said no, then asked what she did, or said. "Did she threaten you or anyone? Did she do anything violent?" The psychiatrist said "She says unbelievable things." I asked the psychiatrist, "Do you know what the state law is on civil commitment?" That is usually not mentioned. I said that it is "a likelihood of serious harm." The psychiatrist also hung up on me.

Then there was the Boston Police Department spokesman who told me not to call back any more. I had called to inquire if the Boston police had investigated the deaths of four humans in a medical research project at two Harvard University Medical School teaching hospitals. She told me, "They investigate themselves." I asked "If I was charged with homicide could I investigate myself?" She told me not to call there any more, then hung up.

In May 2014 a young man, son of privileged parents, stabbed three and shot two more to death in tony Santa Barbara CA.


Liberals initiated their anti NRA and gun campaign. Misguided politicians filed bills and denounced gun rights. Conservatives resumed blaming mental illness. They all feared the all-powerful knife lobby and no one publicly objected to unlicensed carrying of knives. The priorities remain control, theft of taxpayer funds for their cronies, controlling and abusing vulnerable citizens, e.g., persons with disabilities and elders. Black people, women and homosexuals are now the preferred primary abusers because they are victims and cannot be held accountable for criminal conduct.

In May 2014 I published a brief essay about being punished hundreds of times over 43 years repeatedly for an element of character assassination. See it here.


To this day I do not know the details of what I was accused of, what I allegedly did. I was never arrested, never given notice of any criminal accusation, never allowed an attorney or to call witnesses in my defense, not allowed a trial or to appeal any adverse decision. How can you appeal if there never was a court case? So all of the crime families and police departments in this 43 years of criminal abuse came up with an idea to provide to me a women who was in therapy and who hated men. Just what I wanted. When I did not accept the woman as payment for 43 years of my life, they went to plan B, "It never happened." It is not the first time that crime families and government officials rewrote history by deleting government files when they were inconvenient to their fantasies, in order to cover up criminal enterprises by police, FBI and crime families working together.

What we have in the United States, is a system where public officials are held to a lower standard of behavior than ordinary civilians. Police, politicians and selected interest groups are given extraordinary unlawful exemptions from criminal liability. Police, politicians, the FBI, CIA and Communists are allowed to destroy and to alter official documents. If a civilian did that they would be jailed. One example is black teens are allowed to act in groups attacking white civilians. Police refuse to identify these criminal abuses as racist. Journalists say they are simply teenagers acting badly. Politicians are in denial. It is the same pattern with homosexuals and women.

The attempt by feminists to use Title IX of the Education Act of 1972 to protect women from sexual assault is another example. The federal government does not have jurisdiction over sexual assaults. It is a state crime. The federal government does have jurisdiction over discrimination in entities which receive U.S. taxpayer funds. The feminists use that law to address discrimination against women in higher education. But the law applies equally to men. Women do not want men protected by Title IX. Only women. So man-hating women demand discrimination, unequal application of laws, in order to eliminate discrimination in how universities stop sexual assaults. Always in the name of good. Cleobulous, pre-Homeric Greek philosopher: "The chief source of evil among men [and women] is excessive good."

Are universities undercover law enforcement agencies? The problem lies with the state courts. Police agencies have special units to investigate sex assaults. Prosecutors have specially trained attorneys to prosecute sex crimes against women. Hospitals have specially trained teams assisting police gathering evidence. Courts do not always find suspects guilty just because a woman says he is. If feminists had their way and in some courts they do, all a woman needs to do is say a man is guilty and the court will agree. But that is one more example of how corrupted government agencies are these days. Feminists do not want to get their hands dirty trying to eliminate corruption. Too much trouble. When I was in law school I used to hear lawyers boast "We do not do criminal law." Is that one reason why the courts do criminal law so badly? Why innocent men get jailed and guilty people are acquitted? Have the criminal courts been left to criminals to use as a business?

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