June 30, 2014

One DC Judge Unafraid of Obama, Holder, Johnson

[From article]
Earlier today, attorneys for Judicial Watch sought a courtroom status conference “as soon as possible to discuss the IRS’s failure to fulfill its duties to this court under the law, as well as other ramifications of this lawsuit.” It took Judge Sullivan just a few hours to grant the hearing.
Now the IRS will have to talk to Judge Sullivan about all this—and he has the power to do something about it.
Judge Sullivan is the judge who held federal prosecutors in contempt, dismissed an unjust indictment against a United States Senator, and publicly excoriated the Department of Justice. He also had the moral conviction, courage and gumption to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Justice Department and the individual prosecutors.


BREAKING: Meet Emmet Sullivan, IRS Judge Who Once Sicced a Special Prosecutor on DOJ
Lerner, Holder, Obama: Are You Packing Your Bags?
By Sidney Powell
06/27/14 8:44pm

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