June 30, 2014

Kansas Man Sues For Freedom From Nursing Home

[From article]
Flentie is upfront about taking numerous medications, including several for bipolar disorder, which he said he has managed well for 20 years. His prescriptions include Prozac, Elavil, Risperdal and Lamictal. He takes two other medications for prostate problems, one for blood pressure, and a battery of vitamins.
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In late November 2011, he fell, followed within a few days by another fall in early December.
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At St. Luke’s North Hospital, two doctors in quick course evaluated Flentie and diagnosed him with bipolar disorder with psychotic symptoms and dementia.
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The next day, McNellis examined Flentie again and in court papers declared, “Mr. Flentie is not competent to care for himself.”
Nor did he think Flentie was competent to take care of his own finances.
Given the option to choose whether Flentie was “disabled” or “partially disabled,” McNellis wrote “Yes, disabled” by virtue of dementia and bipolar disorder. He recommended that Flentie be placed in “assisted living” as the most appropriate and least restrictive environment.
[. . .]
Flentie was placed under full guardianship, his assets under conservatorship, and never returned to his home.
From the hospital, he went directly to a residential care facility. At that point, he began his two-year battle for his freedom, aided by friends.


The saga of John Flentie: Platte County man fights against his guardianship
06/28/2014 3:59 PM 06/28/2014 7:17 PM

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