March 15, 2013

Simple Solution to Ending Gun Violence

"Elaine Zimmerman [. . .] said that in order to limit gun violence, lawmakers should focus on [. . .] improving mental health resources." Why not ban mentally ill persons and deport them to Iran, Cuba, Venezuela,  and North Korea? That would eliminate all gun violence now and forever. "She criticized the 'shame attached to mental health problems' and said teachers should be trained to recognize mental health issues in their classrooms." Would the shame be how police and prosecutors demonize mental health issues? Should teachers recognize "a history of mental illness" the way that police and prosecutors do? Just ban mentally ill people, and deport them. Due process can be ignored using psychiatry.  It is cheaper, easier and less open to blurring the lines between sanity and insanity. Just ask a local or campus police officer who should be deported and do it.

Panelists Discuss Gun Violence Solutions
Harvard Crimson
March 14, 2013

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