March 21, 2013

Police and Journalists Demonize Disabled Defendants

The New York Post fails to explain how they learned contents of medical records of a murder suspect. (JESSICA SIMEONE, "Man who allegedly stabbed girlfriend to death and stuffed body into 55-gallon drum arrested for murder," New York Post, March 21, 2013) It is customary for police and prosecutors to reveal medical records contrary to state and US privacy laws, not enforced for persons accused of mental illness. Journalists obediently report what the police and prosecutors say demonizing the suspect. Journalists seldom report that these horrific crimes may result from taking psychiatric drugs. They joyously report an accusation of mental illness without evidence, but refuse to inquire if psychiatric drugs are involved. That continues covering up the dangers of psychiatric drugs and psychiatry which forces these chemicals on civilians.

Man who allegedly stabbed girlfriend to death and stuffed body into 55-gallon drum arrested for murder
New York Post
Last Updated: 9:19 AM, March 21, 2013
Posted: 9:19 AM, March 21, 2013

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