February 19, 2013

$2 billion to Study WIMPS, That May Not Exist

[From article]
It is still not proven that dark matter even exists, but it is speculated that its gravity holds the universe together.
However, if dark matter is real, its existence would defy conventional notions of the cosmos.
In two weeks scientists will publish the first set of results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, a $2billion particle collector mounted on the outside of the International Space Station in a bid to find dark matter.
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Researchers don't yet know what dark matter is made of, but there are some theories which suggest it is composed of what physicists have dubbed weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs for short).
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'We are so excited because we believe we are on the threshold of a major discovery,' said Professor Turner. 'We believe this will be the decade of the wimp.'


Shedding some light on dark matter: The $2bn experiment in space that may be about to turn the world of physics on its head
Dark matter is believed to provide the gravity which binds the cosmos
But if proved to exist it would challenge the conventional view of physics
Scientists have attempted to track it down with spectrometer bolted to ISS
First set of results from the instrument to be published in two weeks
Daily mail (UK)
PUBLISHED: 05:52 EST, 19 February 2013 | UPDATED: 06:39 EST, 19 February 2013

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