February 7, 2010

Journalists Clueless About Disability Bias


This letter was published in The New York Post on Wednesday February 10, 2010.


EPARahm Emanuel

EPA Rahm Emanuel


Kyle Smith misses the point of offensive words regarding disabilities. (Kyle Smith, "Political correctness gone mad,"New York Post, February 7, 2010)They are acceptable in polite society as he indicates. He says the n-word is "the most inflammatory slur" but finds disability slurs are "jokey." Huh? Persons with disabilities are slurred every day whenever a journalist uses "a history of mental illness in reports of crime. That suggests that all people with disabilities are violent and dangerous. It has become a truth under the Goebbels rule. Today defense attorneys use allegations of mental illness as a defense to crime. Smith reveals his and his colleagues' lack of awareness about disabilities. Why only after a national political figure objects do journalists notice?

"Wait a minute: the N-word is the single most inflammatory slur in America. It’s been banned from polite society. Its purpose is to denigrate. 'Retarded' as jokey slang for 'stupid' is used all the time by thoughtful people who aren’t trying to offend anyone and aren’t referring to 'children with cognitive and developmental disabilities.' The two words don’t compare. [. . .]

Thurmond’s campaign was racist, and believing that several more decades of racial segregation would have alleviated 'all these problems' was racist too."


Political correctness gone mad

New York Post
Last Updated: 11:42 AM, February 7, 2010
Posted: 12:50 AM, February 7, 2010

headshotKyle Smith

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