October 17, 2009

Spineless Defense of Free Speech

Rush Limbaugh gives his perspective on spineless journalists. After David Checketts asked him to join a group to purchase the St. Louis Rams, Checketts refused to stand up and defend Rush Limbaugh's First Amendment Rights. That pattern is pervasive even in Cambridge MA host city of Harvard and MIT where politicians and university officials silence unpopular speech. The current editors of the Cambridge weekly newspaper show no spine and an inability to stand up for protected speech.
Academics with PhDs. and lawyers lead neighborhood associations in this elitist enclave. They deny access to citizens to participate in their forums adhering to conformist liberal Democratic policies. Leftist abuses of law are ignored by these same conformist spineless leaders. If the best and the brightest (Ahem!) are censoring protected legal speech and using character assassination to silence citizen speech, it is not surprising that US Congresswomen, football fans, players union officials, and sports writers do the same to a wealthy, wildly successful and politically connected broadcaster.


OCTOBER 16, 2009, 10:27 P.M. ET
The Race Card, Football and Me
My critics would have you believe no conservative meets NFL 'standards.'

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