May 29, 2009

Myopia, But No Empathy Here

Margery Eagan laments lack of empathy for women while showing her animosity toward white males, "It’s been such fun watching the right-wing white boys sputtering"

Then she mocks them some more saying, "'If you listened to conservative talk radio today, they just nominated Karl Marx to the Supreme Court. (And) she’s a racist,' said Bill O’Reilly." But Stanislav Mishin, columnist for Pravda said, "It must be said that, like the breaking of a great dam, the American descent into Marxism is happening with breathtaking speed, against a backdrop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people." (Editorial, "Uncle Sam, Incorporated," New York Post, May 28, 2009, Page 28) Who do you believe?

Eagan stretches the facts saying, "White men - unlike women and minorities - have never endured government-sanctioned racism." Oh? What about Jews, Irish, Italians and other immigrants in the late 19th and early 20th century? Eagan shows a lack of history like many younger journalists.

"Why, when a white man wins a political seat or a court appointment, it’s all about merit? But when a nonwhite wins (Obama) or gets appointed (Sotomayor), it’s all about “identity politics” and tokenism?" If it's all about identity politics, why are there no persons with disabilities? It is a matter of wealthy and powerful interest groups: i.e., women, homosexuals, African Americans and illegal aliens.

Eagan seems to promote retaliation as government policy, when she says "legal sexism and segregation continued right through the ’70s in great part because men - white men - ran everything?"

Eagan asks, "Why was it so hard for male judges, yet easy for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, to understand the horror of a school strip search of a 13-year-old girl (a case just argued before the Supreme Court)? Because gender and perspective matter." Here's another argument for persons with disabilities. Why are there none on the US Supreme Court?

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American capitalism gone with a whimper
Stanislav Mishin
April 27, 2009

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Men in throes of Supreme panic
By Margery Eagan
Boston Herald
Thursday, May 28, 2009 -

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One white male's view on Sotomayor.

Obama's Idea of Justice
by Patrick J. Buchanan
May 29, 2009

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