March 25, 2008

TMZ Courtney Love, Police Psychiatric Abuses

TMZ Courtney Love, Police Psychiatric Abuses

[Harvey Levin is the Producer of the online, and TV gossip show TMZ.]

Hello Harvey Levin,

I posted the below comment on your site below your story about
Courtney Love. I am hoping that you will reevaluate the way that you
report on psychiatric abuses. I saw what happened to Britney Spears.
Did you notice that about 8 employees of that hospital were fired for
releasing Britney's medical records? That is a violation of the HIPAA
US laws. Why do you as a lawyer and your wildly entertaining web site
and TV show not recognize the government abuse of celebrities? Taking
a person's freedom without having committed a crime is an outrage.
Taking her freedom based upon the opinion of a doctor without any
ability to appeal nor any right to an arraigment within 24 hours is an
abuse of police powers.
Now regarding Courtney Love who you and the police say has a
disability is ignored when she complains about theft? What are you

Roy Bercaw - Editor ENOUGH ROOM

Regarding Courtney Love as if she has a mental illness, gives to her
all of the protections of city, state and US laws on disability based
discrimination. It is as illegal as racism, sexism, homophobia and
ethnic discrimination. If the police ignore her complaints because
they say she has a disability they are violating all of the laws that
prohibit such bias. That includes but is not limited to the Americans
with Disabilities Act, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and many other
statutes. It does not matter legally if she actually has a disability.
What matters is that the police think she has one and deny her access
to police services and protection because of their perception. These
laws extend the equal protection of laws, Amendment 14 to persons who
are regarded as having a disability as well as those who have a
disability or have a history of having a disability. Psychiatrists
make up illnesses by consensus. Psychiatry is a business of personal
opinions masquerading as science. It is a means of social control
without due process protections. It is the easiest method of
discrediting a person for theft or to destroy a career or reputation.
I watch TMZ often. I write about discrimination toward persons with
disabilities in the media. But what is an outrage is that government
officials openly violate discrimination laws against persons with
disabilities and no one questions the unlawful abuses. If the TMZ
report is accurate this is an example of the police denying protection
to a person they perceive as having a disability.
The free use of hateful words about persons who are accused of mental
illness is shameful. But few journalists give equal status to hate
against persons with disabilities as they do for persons of color.
That indicates another form of discrimination by journalists.

TMZ on Courtney Love

Courtney Love to TMZ -- You're Bats**t!
Posted Mar 10th 2008 12:14PM by TMZ Staff

* * * * *
[2nd article]

Courtney Still Has Identity -- As for Her Mind ...
Posted Mar 10th 2008 5:00AM by TMZ Staff

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