March 3, 2008

Ignoring Persons with Disabilities

Ignoring Persons with Disabilities

[Published in print and online editions February 14, 2008]

Letter: Journal ignores those with disabilities
Somerville Journal
By Roy Bercaw
Mon Feb 11, 2008, 01:43 PM EST

[Published in print and online editions February 21, 2008]
Letter: Disabled people ignored in civic sphere
Cambridge Chronicle
Mon Feb. 18, 2008

Somerville - Somerville School Superintendent Tony "Pierantozzi said
that schools must reflect society in order to lead society. [. . .] My
wish for you and for all of us… Good relationships with people who are
very dissimilar." (Auditi Guha, "Cambridge schools affirmative action
chief talks about race," Cambridge Chronicle, Somerville Journal,
February 8, 2008) Under current state, city, and US laws the
affirmative action laws apply equally to persons with disabilities.
Both Cambridge affirmative action officers and both Cambridge and
Somerville governments omit persons with disabilities in their
affirmative action efforts.
The comments by Somerville's superintendent apply to persons with
disabilities as well as to persons of color. But as usual local
governments in Massachusetts ignore the laws they don't like. My
repeated complaints to city government officials and to local
journalists are, as usual, ignored.
Journalists join politicians excluding persons with disabilities from
equal participation in civic affairs and jobs. Good work. If persons
with disabilities are not mentioned perhaps they will go away?
Roy Bercaw

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