February 6, 2016

White House Ignores Threats From Muslim Terror, Focuses On Anti Muslim Bias

[From article]
As the body count at the hand of Islamic extremists continues to rise in America, shouldn't the president be trying to come up with a way to defend Judeo-Christian types, who cling to guns and the Bible, from Islamic jihadi types who cling to machetes and the Quran?
Guess not, because for his first visit to a U.S. mosque, Obama chose a congregation where a Sudanese native and former member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mohamed Adam el-Sheikh, was chief imam for almost twenty years.
Why would a U.S. president even give credence to a congregation once led by a man who also lent a hand in founding the Muslim American Society, a Muslim Brotherhood-established organization interested in advancing sharia law?
[. . .]
Even the alleged terrorist-affiliated Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) commended Obama's decision to visit the Islamic Society of Baltimore, saying:
For a number of years, we've been encouraging the president to go to an American mosque. With the tremendous rise in anti-Muslim sentiment in our country, we believe that it will send a message of inclusion and mutual respect.
"Inclusion and mutual respect"?
Maybe CAIR should tell that to the two homosexual men murdered by devout Muslim-American/convicted sex offender Ali Muhammad Brown, who, after rinsing the blood off his hands, went on to avenge Muslim deaths overseas by also executing 19-year-old college student Brendan Tevlin at a traffic light.
[. . .]
This is the guy who consistently assaults certain faiths.
In 2009, prior to a speaking engagement at Georgetown University's Gaston Hall, Obama requested the crucifixes be covered up. That same year, in order to have a "non-religious" Christmas, Obama suggested that the East Room Nativity be relocated. Likewise, the president has blamed Christianity for lives lost during the Crusades and regularly ridicules the Christian faith with snide remarks.
As for God's chosen people, Obama insulted Jews at a White House Hanukah celebration; publicly dissed Bibi Netanyahu; and, worse yet, minimized the threat posed by providing a genocidal anti-Semitic revolutionary theocratic state a pathway to a nuclear bomb.
Not to mention the president's failure to acknowledge the worldwide genocide being waged by Muslims against Christians, or ignoring the fact that in America, Jews are ten times more likely than Muslims to be targeted for a hate crime.
[. . .]
How about when Muslim extremists living in the U.S. shoot and kill 14 people at a Christmas party; behead a co-worker at a food distribution plant; or, "on a mission from Allah," stab a store clerk to death? Does that "make us safer"?
Besides, how is America elevated in the eyes of the world if our president remains silent after Islamic extremists behead two Coptic Christians in New Jersey, or slit the throats of three Jewish men in Massachusetts?


February 4, 2016
Obama, in radical mosque, calls for other religions to be tolerant
By Jeannie DeAngelis

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