July 28, 2015

Poverty Is An Illness, No Appeals From Diagnoses

Is that why there are so many wealthy psychiatrists?

If you are poor you are sick. 

[From article]
The study found that children in households with an annual income below $24,000 for a family of four had 7 to 10 percent less gray matter volume than what is considered standard for healthy development.
Pollak says these differences in gray matter can be linked to varying amounts and quality of stimulation.
Poor children “are getting too little of things we need to develop the brain and too much of things that inhibit brain growth,” he said. These children may not be getting adequate stimulation from parents or access to learning tools like books or games. Pollak notes poor nutrition may be another factor.
The new findings have experts rethinking how poverty is portrayed. Pollak says it’s not only a social condition, it’s a medical problem too


Study: Poverty Is A Medical Condition
July 28, 2015 2:17 PM
CBS News Washington DC 

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