July 26, 2015

Black Racism Lobbyists Live in The Past

[From article]
But by the time modern concepts of Social Darwinism and race evolved slavery had already been abolished -- these concepts didn’t cause slavery, but came after the fact, though of course, they did help perpetuate Jim Crow and general discrimination against blacks. Nonetheless, blacks -- though they have suffered under these ideas -- did not get the worst of it, white Jews did, suffering six million dead as a direct consequence (out of a population of about 15 million.) [. . .]
For example, after the 9/11 attack Coates felt no sympathy for the firefighters or policemen who died
[. . .]

The recent shout-down of Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders by Blacklivesmatter protesters shows that Coates’ view, far from being radical, is already accepted on the left. O’Malley, who quite reasonably said that not only black lives matter, but that all lives matter, subsequently caved and apologized. For people who see a nation dominated by white racism and privilege, white lives don’t really much matter, just as the lives of the firefighters and policemen who died on 9/11 did not matter to Coates.

Coates likely has little influence on groups like Blacklivesmatter. Unless the Atlantic’s demographics have dramatically changed, his readership is overwhelmingly of the white limousine liberal variety -- people who think self-hate is cool. Indeed, Coates may be behind the curve already. But that is small comfort in a society that now seems to be slowly coming apart at the seams, because frankly, the ideas of Coates’ radical Black Panther father, and those of the American Constitution cannot coexist. And one has to wonder, is this really what a smart guy like Ta-Nehisi Coates wants for himself and his son?


July 23, 2015
America's Radical 'Foremost Intellectual'
By Jonathan Keiler

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