February 16, 2015

Ten Hours of Walking in Paris as a Jew

[From article]
Zvika Klein, correspondent for news outlet NRG, took a hidden camera to the streets of Paris and silently walked for 10 hours wearing a tzitzit and a kippa to record reactions.
Introducing the video, Klein writes, "Welcome to Paris 2015, where soldiers are walking every street that houses a Jewish institution, and where keffiyeh-wearing men and veiled women speak Arabic on every street corner."
Klein tells of being yelled at, intimidated, and spat upon. Adults shouted, "Viva Palestine,"
[. . .]
"Is this what life is like for Paris' Jews?" Klein asked. He then explains that Jewish leaders in France have told their community to wear hats or nothing on their heads while walking the streets. Klein said most Jews prefer staying indoors at night because it is safer at home.


WATCH: A Jew Harassed on the Streets of Paris
"Look at that – it's the first time I've ever seen such a thing."

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