September 26, 2014

Two Reviews of Ken Burns' Roosevelts

[From article]
The omission of the details of the Wallace issue exemplified the goal of the Roosevelt series to brainwash rather than inform. The derring-do of Teddy and the ferocious bravery of FDR are washed away in an attempt to deify Eleanor and praise her far Leftist political views. In retrospect, the program appears in the rear-view mirror as a greedy act of cannibalism of two great men to plug the Democratic Party and elevate the role of women to pay homage to the politically-correct feminists of our era.

September 25, 2014
Ken Burns Makes Room on Rushmore for Eleanor Roosevelt
By Bernie Reeves

* * *

[From article]
Woodrow Wilson’s distaste for Blacks is well known, but his hate of Mexicans is not. He instructed his ambassador to Mexico, Henry Lane Wilson (no relation) to interfere in Mexican politics including two invasions in 1914 and 1916.
Proof number one: In the great Burns PBS Special of the American Civil War, as outstanding and award winning as it was, not a single second of the massive multi-hour production mentioned that Hispanics fought in the Civil War or that two of the very first Civil War Medal of Honor awardees were Hispanic, one, Spanish and the other Chilean born. Nor is there any mention of New Mexico Union troops led by an officer who was a Mexican citizen until 1848 when the United States took over New Mexico. Nor is there any mention that entire cavalry units were 100% former Mexican citizens who also became Americans in 1848. They fought on both sides. In fact the very last battle of the Civil War was fought by Union and Confederate cavalry in Texas between 100% Mexican American troops.
[. . .]
In the fine Roosevelt production currently being shown on PBS, the fact that Hispanics served in Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders in Cuba is ignored by Burns even though they included his most favorite company Commander Maximiliano Luna of New Mexico who led the charge of Company A up San Juan Hill.
[. . .]
the current Roosevelt production has the defects noted here. Will Ken Burns and PBS ever learn? Hispanics have been here for a long time and have served the country well, even when they weren’t Americans.

September 24, 2014
Ken Burns and Hispanics
By Raoul Lowery Contreras

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